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24 carregadores CSS para seu próximo projeto

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) é um mecanismo para adicionar estilo (cores, fontes, espaçamento) a um documento web. O código CSS pode ser aplicado diretamente nas tags ou ficar contido dentro das tags <style>.

Também é possível, em vez de colocar a formatação dentro do documento, criar um link para um arquivo CSS que contém os estilos. Assim, quando se quiser alterar a aparência dos documentos vinculados a este arquivo CSS, basta modifica-lo.

Para quem curte CSS ou esta aprendendo, resolvemos dar uma forcinha com estilos disponíveis na internet com 24 carregadores CSS para seu próximo projeto.

Somente escolher o seu e clicar:


HTML + The Dots II
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.dots-1 { width:32px; height:32px; --c:radial-gradient(circle closest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000); background: var(--c) 0 0, var(--c) 0 100%, var(--c) 100% 100%; background-size:12px 12px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation:d1 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes d1 { 25% {background-position:100% 0 ,0 100%,100% 100%} 50% {background-position:100% 0 ,0 0 ,100% 100%} 75% {background-position:100% 0 ,0 0 ,0 100%} 100%{background-position:100% 100%,0 0 ,0 100%} } .dots-2 { width:50px; height:28px; --c:radial-gradient(farthest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000); background: var(--c) 0 50%, var(--c) 50% 50%, var(--c) 50% 50%, var(--c) 100% 50%; background-size:12px 12px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation:d2 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes d2 { 33% {background-position:0 0 ,50% 100%,50% 100%,100% 0} 66% {background-position:50% 0 ,0 100%,100% 100%,50% 0} 100% {background-position:50% 50%,0 50% ,100% 50% ,50% 50%} } .dots-3 { width:50px; height:28px; background: radial-gradient(farthest-side at bottom,currentColor 90%,#0000) 0 calc(50% - 3px), radial-gradient(farthest-side at top ,currentColor 90%,#0000) 0 calc(50% + 3px), radial-gradient(farthest-side at bottom,currentColor 90%,#0000) 50% calc(50% - 3px), radial-gradient(farthest-side at top ,currentColor 90%,#0000) 50% calc(50% + 3px), radial-gradient(farthest-side at bottom,currentColor 90%,#0000) 100% calc(50% - 3px), radial-gradient(farthest-side at top ,currentColor 90%,#0000) 100% calc(50% + 3px); background-size:12px 6px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation:d3 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes d3 { 16.67% {background-position:0 0,0 100%,50% calc(50% - 3px),50% calc(50% + 3px),100% calc(50% - 3px),100% calc(50% + 3px)} 33.33% {background-position:0 0,0 100%,50% 0,50% 100%,100% calc(50% - 3px),100% calc(50% + 3px)} 50% {background-position:0 0,0 100%,50% 0,50% 100%,100% 0,100% 100%} 66.67% {background-position:0 calc(50% - 3px),0 calc(50% + 3px),50% 0,50% 100%,100% 0,100% 100%} 83.33% {background-position:0 calc(50% - 3px),0 calc(50% + 3px),50% calc(50% - 3px),50% calc(50% + 3px),100% 0,100% 100%} } .dots-4 { width:50px; height:28px; background: radial-gradient(farthest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000) 0 50%/12px 12px, radial-gradient(farthest-side at bottom,currentColor 90%,#0000) 50% calc(50% - 3px)/12px 6px, radial-gradient(farthest-side at top ,currentColor 90%,#0000) 50% calc(50% + 3px)/12px 6px, radial-gradient(farthest-side at bottom,currentColor 90%,#0000) 100% calc(50% - 3px)/12px 6px, radial-gradient(farthest-side at top ,currentColor 90%,#0000) 100% calc(50% + 3px)/12px 6px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation:d4 1s infinite; } @keyframes d4 { 25% {background-position:0 50%,50% 0,50% 100%,100% 0,100% 100%} 50% {background-position:100% 50%,0 0,0 100%,50% 0,50% 100%} 75%, 100% {background-position:100% 50%,0 calc(50% - 3px),0 calc(50% + 3px),50% calc(50% - 3px),50% calc(50% + 3px)} } .dots-5 { width:50px; height:12px; background: radial-gradient(farthest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000) left, radial-gradient(farthest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000) right; background-size: 12px 12px; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; animation: d5-0 1s infinite linear; } .dots-5::before { content:""; position: absolute; background:currentColor; border-radius: 50%; inset:0 calc(50% - 6px); transform-origin: -13px 50%; animation: d5-1 0.5s infinite linear; } @keyframes d5-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform:scale(1)} 50%,100% {transform:scale(-1)} } @keyframes d5-1 { 80%,100% {transform:rotate(1turn)} } .dots-6 { width:30px; height:27.6px; --c:radial-gradient(farthest-side,currentColor 90%,#0000); background: var(--c) 50% 0, var(--c) 0 100%, var(--c) 100% 100%; background-size: 12px 12px; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; animation: d6 1s infinite; } @keyframes d6{ 50%,100% {background-position: 100% 100%,50% 0,0 100%} } .dots-7 { width:12px; height:12px; border-radius: 50%; clip-path: inset(-25px -100px); box-shadow: 19px -40px,38px -40px,57px -40px; transform: translateX(-38px); animation: d7 1s infinite; } @keyframes d7{ 16.67% {box-shadow: 19px 0px,38px -40px,57px -40px} 33.33% {box-shadow: 19px 0px,38px 0px,57px -40px} 45%,55%{box-shadow: 19px 0px,38px 0px,57px 0px} 66.67% {box-shadow: 19px 40px,38px 0px,57px 0px} 83.33% {box-shadow: 19px 40px,38px 40px,57px 0px} 100% {box-shadow: 19px 40px,38px 40px,57px 40px} } .dots-8 { width:12px; height:12px; border-radius: 50%; background: currentColor; box-shadow: -19px 0px,19px 0px; animation: d8 1s infinite; } @keyframes d8{ 25% {box-shadow: -19px -19px, 19px 19px} 50% {box-shadow: 0px -19px, 0px 19px} 75% {box-shadow: 19px -19px,-19px 19px} 100% {box-shadow: 19px 0px,-19px 0px} } .dots-9 { width:12px; height:12px; border-radius: 50%; clip-path: inset(-45px); box-shadow: -60px 15px,-60px 15px,-60px 15px; transform: translateY(-15px); animation: d9 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes d9{ 16.67% {box-shadow:-60px 15px,-60px 15px,19px 15px} 33.33% {box-shadow:-60px 15px, 0px 15px,19px 15px} 40%,60%{box-shadow:-19px 15px, 0px 15px,19px 15px} 66.67% {box-shadow:-19px 15px, 0px 15px,60px 15px} 83.33% {box-shadow:-19px 15px, 60px 15px,60px 15px} 100% {box-shadow: 60px 15px, 60px 15px,60px 15px} } .dots-10 { width:76px; height:12px; display: flex; } .dots-10:before, .dots-10:after { content:""; flex:1; background: radial-gradient(farthest-side ,currentColor 90%,#0000) center/12px 100%, radial-gradient(farthest-side at right,currentColor 90%,#0000) right /6px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) rotate(0); animation:d10 2s infinite; } .dots-10:after { --s:-1; } @keyframes d10 { 25% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) rotate(0);} 50% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) rotate(1turn);} 75%,100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) rotate(1turn);} } /**/ body { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px,1fr)); grid-auto-rows: 130px; place-items:center; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } HTML + The Flipping
<div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> .flipping-1 { width: 40px; height: 40px; background:#000; transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(0); animation: f1 1s infinite; } @keyframes f1 { 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(180deg)} } .flipping-2 { width: 40px; height: 40px; transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(0); animation: f1-1 2s infinite linear, f1-2 1s infinite linear alternate; } @keyframes f1-1 { 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(360deg)} } @keyframes f1-2 { 0%,49.9% {background:#ffa516} 50%,100% {background:#f03355} } .flipping-3 { width: 40px; height: 40px; transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(0) rotateY(0); animation: f3-1 2s infinite linear, f3-2 3s infinite linear -.5s; } @keyframes f3-1 { 50% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(180deg) rotateY(0)} 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(180deg) rotateY(180deg)} } @keyframes f3-2 { 0%,33% {background:#ffa516} 33.1%,66% {background:#f03355} 66.1%,100% {background:#25b09b} } .flipping-4 { width: 60px; height: 60px; animation: f4-0 2s infinite linear; } .flipping-4::before { content:""; display:block; width:50%; height:50%; transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(0deg); transform-origin: bottom; animation: f4-1 0.5s infinite linear alternate, f4-2 0.5s infinite linear alternate; } @keyframes f4-0 { 0%,24.99% {transform:scale(1 , 1) rotate(0deg)} 25%,49.99% {transform:scale(1 ,-1) rotate(90deg)} 50%,74.99% {transform:scale(-1,-1) rotate(0deg)} 75%,100% {transform:scale(-1, 1) rotate(90deg)} } @keyframes f4-1 { 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(180deg)} } @keyframes f4-2 { 0%,49.9% {background:#ffa516} 50%,100% {background:#f03355} } .flipping-5 { width: 60px; height: 60px; animation: f5-0 1s infinite linear; } .flipping-5::before, .flipping-5::after { content:""; position: absolute; inset:0 50% 50% 0; transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateX(0deg); transform-origin: bottom right; animation: f5-1 0.5s infinite linear alternate, f5-2 0.5s infinite linear alternate; } .flipping-5::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes f5-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform:scale(1, 1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform:scale(1,-1) rotate(90deg)} } @keyframes f5-1 { 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateX(180deg)} } @keyframes f5-2 { 0%,49.9% {background:#25b09b} 50%,100% {background:#514b82} } .flipping-6 { width: 60px; height: 60px; color: #25b09b; background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0), linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0), linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0); background-size: 50.1% 50.1%; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation: f6-0 1.5s infinite linear alternate, f6-0-0 3s infinite linear; } .flipping-6::before { content:""; display:block; width:50%; height:50%; background:currentColor; transform:perspective(150px) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg); transform-origin: bottom right; animation: f6-1 1.5s infinite linear alternate; } @keyframes f6-0 { 0% ,32.99% {background-position: 0 100%,100% 100%,100% 0} 33%,65.99% {background-position: 100% 100%,100% 100%,100% 0} 66%,100% {background-position: 100% 0 ,100% 0 ,100% 0} } @keyframes f6-0-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform: scaleX(1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(-90deg)} } @keyframes f6-1 { 16.5%{transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-90deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg);filter:grayscale(0.8)} 33% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg)} 66% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(-180deg) rotateX(0deg)} 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(-180deg) rotateX(-180deg);filter:grayscale(0.8)} } .flipping-7 { width: 60px; height: 60px; color: #ffa516; background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 100% 0, linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 0 100%; background-size: 50.1% 50.1%; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation: f7-0 1s infinite linear; } .flipping-7::before, .flipping-7::after { content:""; position: absolute; inset:0 50% 50% 0; background:currentColor; transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateY(0deg); transform-origin: bottom right; animation: f7-1 .5s infinite linear alternate; } .flipping-7::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes f7-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform: scaleX(1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(-90deg)} } @keyframes f7-1 { 49.99% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateX(-90deg) ;filter:grayscale(0)} 50% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateX(-90deg) ;filter:grayscale(0.8)} 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg);filter:grayscale(0.8)} } .flipping-8 { width: 60px; height: 60px; display: flex; animation: f8-0 2s infinite linear; } .flipping-8::before, .flipping-8::after { content:""; flex:1; animation: f8-1 1s infinite linear alternate, f8-2 2s infinite linear -.5s; } .flipping-8::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes f8-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform: scaleX(1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(-90deg)} } @keyframes f8-1 { 0%, 5% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) perspective(150px) rotateY(0deg) } 33% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) perspective(150px) rotateX(0deg) } 66% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg)} 95%, 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg)} } @keyframes f8-2 { 0%,49.99% {background:#f03355} 50%,100% {background:#ffa516} } .flipping-9 { width: 60px; height: 60px; color: #ffa516; border-radius: 50%; background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0), linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0), linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0); background-size: 50.1% 50.1%; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation: f9-0 1.5s infinite linear alternate, f9-0-0 3s infinite linear alternate; } .flipping-9::before { content:""; display:block; width:50%; height:50%; background:currentColor; border-top-left-radius: 100px; transform:perspective(150px) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg); transform-origin: bottom right; animation: f9-1 1.5s infinite linear alternate; } @keyframes f9-0 { 0% ,32.99% {background-position: 0 100%,100% 100%,100% 0} 33%,65.99% {background-position: 100% 100%,100% 100%,100% 0} 66%,100% {background-position: 100% 0 ,100% 0 ,100% 0} } @keyframes f9-0-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform: scaleX(1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(-90deg)} } @keyframes f9-1 { 16.5%{transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-90deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg);filter:grayscale(0.8)} 33% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateX(0deg)} 66% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(-180deg) rotateX(0deg)} 100% {transform:perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg) rotateY(-180deg) rotateX(-180deg);filter:grayscale(0.8)} } .flipping-10 { width: 60px; height: 60px; display: flex; animation: f10-0 2s infinite linear; } .flipping-10::before, .flipping-10::after { content:""; flex:1; animation: f10-1 1s infinite linear alternate, f10-2 2s infinite linear -.5s; } .flipping-10::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes f10-0 { 0%,49.99% {transform: scaleX(1) rotate(0deg)} 50%,100% {transform: scaleX(-1) rotate(-90deg)} } @keyframes f10-1 { 0%, 5% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) perspective(150px) rotateY(0deg) } 33% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) perspective(150px) rotateX(0deg) } 66% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(-10px) perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg)} 95%, 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px) perspective(150px) rotateX(-180deg)} } @keyframes f10-2 { 0%,49.99% {background:#514b82;border-radius: 0} 50%,100% {background:#25b09b;border-radius: 100px 0 0 100px} } /**/ body { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px,1fr)); grid-auto-rows: 130px; place-items:center; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } HTML + CSS de The Shapes II

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.shapes-1 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color: #25b09b; display: grid; } .shapes-1::before, .shapes-1::after { content: ""; grid-area: 1/1; background:currentColor; clip-path: polygon(0 0,50% 50%, 0 100%); animation: sp1 2s infinite; } .shapes-1::after { animation-delay: -1.5s; --s:90deg; } @keyframes sp1 { 0%,12.5% {transform:rotate(var(--s,0deg)) rotate(0deg)} 37.5%,62.5% {transform:rotate(var(--s,0deg)) rotate(-180deg)} 87.5%,100% {transform:rotate(var(--s,0deg)) rotate(-360deg)} } .shapes-2 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color: #514b82; background:repeating-conic-gradient(from -47deg,#0000 0deg, currentColor 1deg 91deg,#0000 94deg 180deg); display: flex; animation: sp2-0 2s infinite linear; } .shapes-2::before, .shapes-2::after { content: ""; flex: 1; background:currentColor; clip-path: polygon(0 0,100% 50%, 0 100%); animation: sp2 1s infinite alternate; transform-origin: bottom left; } .shapes-2::after { clip-path: polygon(100% 0,100% 100%,0 50%); transform-origin: top right; } @keyframes sp2-0 { 0%,49.9% {transform:scaleX( 1)} 50%,100% {transform:scaleX(-1)} } @keyframes sp2 { 0%, 20% {transform:rotate(0deg)} 80%,100% {transform:rotate(-270deg)} } .shapes-3 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color: orange; display: grid; } .shapes-3::before, .shapes-3::after { content: ""; grid-area: 1/1; background:currentColor; clip-path: polygon(0 0,101% 0, 0 100%); animation: sp3 2s infinite; } .shapes-3::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes sp3 { 0%, 10% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0,0) rotate(0deg)} 33% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(20px,-20px) rotate(0deg)} 66% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(20px,-20px) rotate(180deg)} 90%, 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0px,0px) rotate(180deg)} } .shapes-4 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color:#f03355; background: conic-gradient(currentColor 0 270deg,#0000 0); border-radius: 50%; animation: sp4-0 4s infinite linear; } .shapes-4::before { content: ""; display: block; height: 50%; width: 50%; border-top-left-radius: 100px; background: currentColor; animation: sp4 0.5s infinite alternate; } @keyframes sp4-0 { 0%,24.99% {transform: rotate(0deg)} 25%,49.99% {transform: rotate(90deg)} 50%,74.99% {transform: rotate(180deg)} 75%,100% {transform: rotate(270deg)} } @keyframes sp4 { 100% {transform: translate(-10px,-10px)} } .shapes-5 { width: 40px; height: 40px; display: flex; transform-origin:50% 125%; animation: sp5-0 1.5s infinite linear; } .shapes-5:before, .shapes-5:after { content:""; flex:1; background:orange; animation: inherit; transform-origin: bottom left; animation-name: sp5-1; } .shapes-5:before { transform-origin: bottom right; --s:-1; } @keyframes sp5-0 { 0%,10% {transform:translateY(0) scaleY(1)} 49.99% {transform:translateY(-75%) scaleY(1)} 50% {transform:translateY(-75%) scaleY(-1)} 90%,100% {transform:translateY(-150%) scaleY(-1)} } @keyframes sp5-1 { 10%,90% {transform: rotate(0deg)} 50% {transform: rotate(calc(var(--s,1)*90deg))} } .shapes-6 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color:#25b09b; position: relative; background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) center/100% 10px, linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) center/10px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .shapes-6:before { content:''; position: absolute; inset:0; background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 0 0, linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 100% 0, linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 0 100%, linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) 100% 100%; background-size:15.5px 15.5px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation: sp6 1.5s infinite cubic-bezier(0.3,1,0,1); } @keyframes sp6 { 33% {inset:-10px;transform: rotate(0deg)} 66% {inset:-10px;transform: rotate(90deg)} 100% {inset:0 ;transform: rotate(90deg)} } .shapes-7 { width: 40px; height: 60px; color: #514b82; position: relative; } .shapes-7::before, .shapes-7::after { content: ""; position: absolute; inset:0; background:currentColor; clip-path: polygon(0 0,100% 0, 100% 67%,50% 67%,50% 34%,0 34%); animation: sp7 2s infinite; } .shapes-7::after { --s:-1,-1; } @keyframes sp7 { 0%, 10% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0,0) rotate(0deg)} 33% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0,-20px) rotate(0deg)} 66% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(10px,-20px) rotate(-90deg)} 90%, 100% {transform:scale(var(--s,1)) translate(10px,-10px) rotate(-90deg)} } .shapes-8 { width: 40px; height: 40px; color:#f03355; position: relative; background: radial-gradient(10px,currentColor 94%,#0000); } .shapes-8:before { content:''; position: absolute; inset:0; border-radius: 50%; background: radial-gradient(9px at bottom right,#0000 94%,currentColor) top left, radial-gradient(9px at bottom left ,#0000 94%,currentColor) top right, radial-gradient(9px at top right,#0000 94%,currentColor) bottom left, radial-gradient(9px at top left ,#0000 94%,currentColor) bottom right; background-size:20px 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; animation: sp8 1.5s infinite cubic-bezier(0.3,1,0,1); } @keyframes sp8 { 33% {inset:-10px;transform: rotate(0deg)} 66% {inset:-10px;transform: rotate(90deg)} 100% {inset:0 ;transform: rotate(90deg)} } .shapes-9 { width: 40px; height: 20px; background: orange; position: relative; animation: sp9-0 1.5s infinite linear; } .shapes-9:before, .shapes-9:after { content:""; position: absolute; background: inherit; bottom: 100%; width: 50%; height: 100%; animation: inherit; animation-name: sp9-1; } .shapes-9:before { left:0; --s:-1,1; } .shapes-9:after { right:0; } @keyframes sp9-0 { 0%,30% {transform:translateY(0) scaleY(1)} 49.99% {transform:translateY(-50%) scaleY(1)} 50% {transform:translateY(-50%) scaleY(-1)} 70%,100% {transform:translateY(-100%) scaleY(-1)} } @keyframes sp9-1 { 0%,10%,90%,100% {transform: scale(var(--s,1)) translate(0)} 30%,70% {transform: scale(var(--s,1)) translate(20px)} 50% {transform: scale(var(--s,1)) translate(20px,20px)} } .shapes-10 { width: 40px; height: 40px; display: flex; transform-origin: 0% 150%; animation: sp10-0 2s infinite linear; } .shapes-10:before, .shapes-10:after { content:""; flex:1; background:#f03355; animation: sp10-1 1s infinite linear alternate; border-radius: 100px 0 0 100px; transform-origin: 100% 100%; } .shapes-10:after { border-radius: 0 100px 100px 0; transform-origin: 0% 100%; --s:-1; } @keyframes sp10-0 { 0%,10% {transform:translateY(0) scaleY(1)} 49.99% {transform:translateY(-100%) scaleY(1)} 50% {transform:translateY(-100%) scaleY(-1)} 90%,100% {transform:translateY(-200%) scaleY(-1)} } @keyframes sp10-1 { 0%,20% {transform:rotate(0deg) translate(0,0) rotate(0deg)} 50% {transform:rotate(calc(var(--s,1)*-90deg)) translate(0,0) rotate(0deg)} 100% {transform:rotate(calc(var(--s,1)*-90deg)) translate(0,-20px) rotate(calc(var(--s,1)*-90deg))} } /**/ body { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px,1fr)); grid-auto-rows: 130px; place-items:center; } * { box-sizing: border-box; }

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